Welcome to

Chang Ministries Global

In June 2020 God spoke to me about starting a Ministry.
He said “I have equipped and anointed you to love my children and look after them. Now go into all the world teaching and preaching the gospel of my unconditional love and grace to all nations. DON’T LIMIT ME!”

Chang Ministries Global is a teaching Ministry focussed on the unconditional love of God. Our passion is to share the gospel by holding Healing Seminars and Conferences around the UK and abroad reaching people from all nations. (Matt 28:19-20).

God so loved the world that He gave Jesus so people can know Him for who He truly is. His plan is for all His creation to live knowing Him, in health, prosperity, wholeness, liberty, and freedom. (Luke 4:18-19).

Demonstrating the heart and love of God to the world through His power in healings, signs, and wonders, following Jesus as our example. (Acts 10:38).

Get in touch!

We are available for speaking engagements, conferences, and Healing Seminars across the UK.

GALLERY – Pakistan Leadership Training & Discipleship